
  • le (petit) filet d’indra

    Cactus Press, 2022

    le (petit) filet d’indra explores the concept of the universe as a spider web, on which dew drops—representing each individual—cling. Light, representing the influence we have on each other, is reflected and refracted from dew drop to dew drop. This network, or, spider web, that binds together our individual existence is called indra’s net. It conveys a vision of the universe that relies on each individual to maintain its integrity. If a single dew drop falls, the spider web as we know it, would cease existing and thus be something else—not lesser, nor greater, but never the same.

  • kireji: partial portraits and biofictions

    JackPine Press, 2021

    kireji: partial portraits and biofictions represents the process of finding one’s voice, poetic or otherwise, through the presence, and linguistic portraits, of others in one’s life. The word kireji itself refers to a guideline of the traditional haiku; it means the cutting word, and can be used to juxtapose the first twelve syllables with the last five in order to cut the stream of thought create a revelation or surprise at the end of poem. Having been made up of poetic fragments that have been stitched together over many years, kireji draws from the poet’s interpersonal and artistic influences, however fleeting they may be; as with many birds who find their song through mimicking and adapting other birdsongs in their ecosystem, differentiation necessitates the recognition of influence and its filtration through our limited points of view.